7th September 2016

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

 Spring is here and with the warmer weather and longer days it a great time to tidy up both inside and out before the warmer weather of summer and the holidays begin.

Try these Spring Cleaning tips from realestate.com.au.

To help prevent the task from becoming overwhelming there are 7 spots to clean as well as some things not to do.


For the full article see this link.

There are certain areas in most people's homes that tend to go ignored for long periods of time.

Storage cupboards, spare rooms and garages are the main culprits for unnecessary clutter and they tend to get more out of control than other areas, simply because they are not used as much.

Spring is a great time of year for any kind of cleaning but it's excellent for those areas you rarely use or even think about.

1. Linen cupboard

2. Garden

3. Pantry

4. Laundry

5. Garage

6. Spare cupboard

7. Home office/spare bedroom

What not to do when spring cleaning your home.

For the full article see this link.

Spring cleaning seems like such a no brainer activity but it can actually be more involved than you might have anticipated.

Have you ever started cleaning out a cupboard and found a lifetime of photos you forgot about and now have to sort?

Spring cleaning can be unpredictable so here are a few things you should try to avoid if you want to finish by summer time.

It's important to know when it's time to walk away from cleaning and take a coffee break.

Don't wait until spring

Don' t hurt yourself

Don't store stuff

Don't do it alone

Don't try doing it all in one day

Don't forget to open the windows

Don't do a half-hearted job

Don't give up and go to a storage store