The Taloodles Therapy Puppies enter training at approximately 8 weeks of age, they take approximately 6 months to train and require an investment of over $7,000. Taloodles gift the therapy dogs to the successful recipients free of charge.
HOW DO WE HELP? One of our Directors, Sue Cale, is the President of Taloodles and she raises and trains the dogs. Cale Property also holds an Annual Dogs' Day Out with all the funds raised donated to Taloodles. To date, we have made contributions to the training of approximately 8 puppies who have been gifted to their recipients, two of these recipients live in our local area.
Taloodles Daisy and her recipient Bianca. Bianca is 12 years old and has high functioning autism, receptive and expressive language disorders, cognitive and intellectual delay and ADHD. Daisy has had a huge impact on Bianca's anxiety, she has been utilised successfully to modify some behaviours and has assisted greatly with social integration. For the first time in her life Bianca has a best friend who loves her unconditionally. As a result, Bianca's self esteem and self confidence have improved significantly as have her social skills and ability to engage with adults and other children. This gorgeous pair live in our local community.
Taloodles Poppy and one of her recipients Jack. Poppy's placement is probably one of the most special placements we will ever make. Poppy was placed with brothers Jack (14) and Ben (12), both boys have undiagnosed genetic conditions, are in wheelchairs and are non verbal, but they are very happy boys who both love watching movies and going sailing. Poppy is their constant companion, she is happy to lie quietly with them and watch a movie or put on a show that never fails to make them smile. Patting Poppy and giving her treats is assisting their gross motor skills and her constant companionship also alleviates their feelings of anxiety. Poppy is a very special addition to this family.
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